Welcome to Enrollment!


Step 1:  Accept the Cultivate Calm Masterclass Terms

Before you enroll, know what to expect and what's expected of you as a User and/or a Purchaser. 


Please Read the Terms Below to Begin Registration


Terms of Use

Cultivate Calm Masterclass



Updated September 10, 2024


Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in its entirety before purchasing and using the Cultivate Calm Masterclass (hereinafter referred to as the "Program").

You must read and agree to these Terms of Use before purchasing the Program.  The Program and its content are owned by Peggy Nazer Coaching.

By purchasing and/or using the Program you implicitly hereby agree to be legally bound by the following:


These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement" or "Terms") made by and between Peggy Nazer Coaching (hereinafter known as the “Company”) and you, further defined below, as a Purchaser and/or User (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”), also defined below.  Together, the Company and the Client are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties”.




  • "Company", "We", "I", "Our", or "Us" means Peggy Nazer Coaching, owned by Peggy Nazer.


  • "Participation", "Participating", "Using", or "Use" means reading, watching, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


  • "Program" means the Cultivate Calm Masterclass


  • "You", "Your", "User" or "Client" means the Purchaser and/or person using the Program.




By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.  If you do not agree, please do not purchase the Program.  The Company only agrees to provide the Program to you if you assent to these Terms of Use.  The Terms of Use must be accepted by both the User and the Purchaser of the Program.




The Company agrees to provide coaching for the Cultivate Calm Masterclass Program (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”).  The Program includes:

  • 3-month access to TheCultivate Calm Masterclass training and systems, which the Client will access via an online password-protected portal.  The training will be delivered incrementally.
  • Downloadable worksheets and printable resources that may assist your participation in the Program ("Materials").
  • One prerecorded guided coaching session.  These sessions combine coaching, training, and Energy Psychology (EP).  EP is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning.  EP focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, sensations, behaviors, and known bioenergy systems (such as meridians and the biofield).
  • The Client can ask questions or receive email support by contacting Peggy at [email protected].


The Client agrees to the Company's use of a variety of non-invasive methods, modalities, and programs, commonly referred to as Energy Psychology, which includes, but is not limited to, bio-kinesiology (muscle response testing-MRT). MRT is used to identify negative emotions stored in different energy centers of the body.  In addition, guided imagery, NLP, speaking out feelings, role-playing, inner child work, chakra work, visualization, and various Energy Psychology techniques are used.  The purpose of using these techniques is to bring the Client to a place of inner reconciling and a strong sense of well-being and closure with the issues being addressed.


Your access to the Program runs for 3 months from the date of purchase.  It does not have a structured start date which means you may begin at any time.  Whether or not the Program has been completed, it will expire as specified upon purchase (the "Initial Term").  


The Program is not a certification or authorization to teach any of the content contained therein.  The Program and other materials that may assist you in your participation in the Program ("Materials") may not be shared with any party.  If we suspect that the Program or Materials are being shared and/or that you have shared your log-in information with any party, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Program, in our sole and absolute discretion, with no refund of any payments made or release of your obligation to pay the balance in full.




The Client understands that the Company is a Certified Emotional Release Coach, Certified Interactional Dynamics Instructor, and Certified High-Performance Coach (CHPC).  She is not a medical doctor, psychologist/psychiatrist, or other licensed medical professional.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only.  The information and education provided in this Program are not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.  You should consult with a professional in those areas in person with someone where you live or work to discuss issues or questions pertaining to your particular situation.


The Client understands that the Company is not an attorney, therapist, publicist, financial advisor, and/or accountant, or any other licensed or registered professional.  The Company and Client’s work together is not a substitute for professional financial, business, or legal advice.  The Company and Client’s work together may address, among other things, goals, priorities, identifying resources, brainstorming, action plans, strategy, and planning.  The Client understands that the Company does not guarantee any outcome, income revenue, and/or profit from the Parties’ work together. 


The Company is not a nutritionist, therapist, or licensed medical professional, and therefore, the Client needs to discuss and clear any and all changes to the Client’s lifestyle, food intake, exercise regimen, or medical treatment with their physician before implementing changes or habits suggested by the Company. The Client confirms that s/he has or will discuss any and all changes to their diet, exercise regimen, supplements, medications, or lifestyle with their physician or qualified medical professional before implementing any suggested or offered changes, additions, or alterations to their lifestyle.  The Client understands that the Company is not a nutritionist, physician, medical professional, and/or a psychotherapist or psychologist. 


Further, the Company has not promised, nor shall she be obligated to: (1) act as a therapist by providing psychological counseling, psychoanalysis, or behavioral therapy, (2) assist anyone with a serious medical condition to resolve, manage, or improve that medical condition, and/or (3) assist anyone not under the care of a physician or medical professional while implementing healthy changes in their life.


The Client understands that nothing said, done, performed, typed, printed, or produced by the Company is intended or meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat a disease, or take the place of diagnoses by a licensed physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist.  Coaching sessions, energy psychology work sessions, Certified High Performance Coaching (CHPC), Integrative Processing Technique (IPT) sessions, integration sessions, training, or techniques are designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and cultivate the mind/body connection.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program's content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times.  We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the Program's information or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. 




The Company requests the Client to:

  • Be honest and respectful in communication with the Company and other Participants in the group. Your language, whether spoken or written, should be kept at a rated "G" level.
  • Bring any issues that you have with the Company directly to the Company first rather than being discussed with a third party.  You agree not to intentionally make, or intentionally cause any other party to make, any public statement that is intended to criticize or disparage the Company, any of its affiliates, or any of our respective directors, officers, or managers, whether such statement is made orally, in writing, or otherwise.
  • Commit to consistent effort and participation in the Program.  You understand and agree that you are 100% entirely responsible for your progress and results experienced from the Program.




The Program is 3 months long and begins on the date of purchase (the "Initial Term").  The Client understands that the Parties do not have a relationship after the end of the Program.  If the Parties choose to continue their relationship in any way, a separate and distinct agreement will be entered into and agreed upon. 



Material given to the Client in the course of the Program is proprietary, copyrighted, and developed specifically for and by the Company.  The Client agrees that such proprietary material is solely for the Client’s own personal use.  Any disclosure to a third party is strictly prohibited.  You cannot sell, distribute, copy, forward, post, and/or share the Program, its worksheets, and/or reference sheets contained therein, or its video content with anyone else.  Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


The Company’s Program is copyrighted, and the original materials that have been provided to the Client are for the Client's individual use only and are granted as a single-user license.  The Client is not authorized to re-sell, share, or use for profit any of the Company’s intellectual property.  All intellectual property, including the Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company.  No license to sell or distribute the Company’s materials is granted nor implied.


Further, by accepting these Terms of Use, the Client agrees that if the Client violates, or displays any likelihood of violating, any of the Client’s agreements contained in this paragraph, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations and to protect against the harm of such violations.



You may not share your password or login information with anyone, copy or download any of the videos, or share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the Program.  All content not included as a download is password-protected and not to be copied off-site.  If you share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the Program, you will be removed from the Program immediately, no refund will be issued, no future access will be permitted, and you will not be released from your obligation to pay the balance in full.



You agree not to use the Program or the Website for any unlawful purpose or any purpose prohibited under this article. You agree not to use the Program or the Website in any way that could damage the Program, Website, Services, or the general business of the Company.

You further agree not to use the Program or the Website:

I) To harass, abuse, or threaten others or otherwise violate any person's legal rights, including employees of the Company and other Program members.

II) To violate any intellectual property rights of the Company or any third party.

III) To upload or otherwise disseminate any computer viruses or other software that may damage the property of another.

IV) To perpetrate any fraud.

V) To engage in or create any unlawful gambling, sweepstakes, or pyramid scheme.

VI) To publish or distribute any obscene or defamatory material.

VII) To publish or distribute any material that incites violence, hate, or discrimination towards any group.

VIII) To unlawfully gather information about others.


You hereby acknowledge and agree:

A)  You are solely and exclusively responsible for the choices that you make with regard to this Program, the Materials contained within it, or any significant changes to your business or life.

B)  You are solely and exclusively responsible for your own mental health, physical health, business decisions, and any other actions you choose to take or refrain from taking.

C)  We are not liable for any result or non-result or any consequence which may come about due to your participation in the Program.

D)  We have made every effort to accurately represent the Program and its potential.  However, each participant's success may be determined by many factors, including those outside of our or their control.  Because of these factors, we cannot and do not guarantee, predict, or warrant results to you.




You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk.  It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content.  You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program.




The Company is committed to providing the Client with a positive experience in the Program.  By agreeing to this Agreement, the Client understands that the Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement and limit, suspend, and/or terminate the Client’s participation in the Program without a refund or forgiveness of monthly payments if the Client becomes disruptive or violates any term of the Agreement.




The Client shall select which payment option they commit to and pay via credit card on the Cultivate Calm Masterclass checkout page prior to accessing the Program.  If the Client, the User and/or the Purchaser, purchases the Program without submitting acceptance of these Terms of Use, access to the Program will be revoked until the Company receives the submitted acceptance of the Agreement from all Parties involved.  The Client will not receive a refund or prorated fee for any missed access.


  • General Payment Terms:


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to Peggy Nazer Coaching to charge your credit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program.  When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e., credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant PayPal, Stripe, or Kajabi (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours.  Peggy Nazer Coaching is not responsible for the merchant's independent policies or practices. 


  •  Payment Plan Terms / Failed Payment Procedures:


Should you choose to purchase the Program via our payment plan option at checkout (hereinafter the "Payment Plan"), you are hereby consenting to your credit card being automatically charged to complete your total payment.


The payment plan is NOT a subscription service - it's a courtesy extended to allow you to pay for the Program over a period of time instead of upfront.  You are responsible for all payments of your payment plan until the Program is paid in full.  By choosing the payment plan, you agree and understand that all payments are owed in full on time.  There are no exceptions.  No refund and/or cancellation requests or stop payments will be granted or accepted.


If you choose the Payment Plan to purchase the Program, you hereby authorize and give permission to Peggy Nazer Coaching to automatically charge your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account as payment for the Program at the time and interval in which payment is due without any additional authorization from you.


We will not contact you to seek any additional authorization, approval, or permission before charging your card for each installment of the Payment Plan. 


  •  Failed Payment Plan Payments / Re-charge procedures:


By signing up for the payment plan, your card will automatically be re-charged 30 days apart for your remaining payments.  Please plan accordingly.


If your payment-plan payment fails on the 1st attempt:

In the event that your Payment Plan payment is not successfully made on your due date, your access to the Program will be temporarily suspended.  You will not be able to access the Program at all until you successfully complete your payment.  Your access to the Program will be reinstated once payment is received.  The 8th attempt is the final attempt to collect your payment before the matter is forwarded to collections.  If the 8th payment fails, you will be permanently removed from the Program, and no refund will be given.


When choosing the payment plan option, you consent to be responsible for ALL payments owed under the Program terms.


  • Access Reinstatement:

 If at any time your access to the Program is removed, it is your responsibility  to notify the Company at [email protected] to regain access once your payment has been successfully completed.


  • No Assignment

The Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may not be assigned, sold, leased, or otherwise transferred in whole or in part by either of the Parties without the express, written consent in advance of the other Party.





  • No Refunds


We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction.  Due to the instant-downloadable nature of the Program resources and amazing video content inside, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased.


The Client is responsible for the full payment regardless of whether the Client completes or participates fully in the Program.


If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Peggy at [email protected].


  • No Chargebacks


The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit/debit card for any reason whatsoever related to the Program.  In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account.




The Agreement is considered a mutual non-disclosure agreement.  Both Parties agree not to disclose, reveal, or make use of any information learned by either party throughout the Term of the Program (“Confidential Information”).  Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, information disclosed in connection with this Agreement, and shall not include information rightfully obtained from a third party.  Both Parties shall keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential by using a reasonable degree of care, but not less than the degree of care used by it in safeguarding its own Confidential Information.  The obligation of the Parties hereunder to hold the information confidential does not apply to information that is subsequently acquired by either Party from a third party who has a bona fide right to make such information available without restriction.  Both Parties agree that any and all Confidential Information learned as of the Effective Date shall survive the termination, revocation, or expiration of the Agreement. 


Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, in the event that the Client is required by law to disclose any of the Confidential Information, the Client will (i) provide the Company with prompt notice of such requirement prior to the disclosure, and (ii) give the Company all available information and assistance to enable the Company to take the measures appropriate to protect the Confidential Information from disclosure.




The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, all video modules, lessons, processes, worksheets, trackers, written resources, coaching sessions, handouts, printables, video material, and audio material, are intellectual property owned by Peggy Nazer and Peggy Nazer Coaching.  Any violations of this Agreement, and all Terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company's intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, Program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of Peggy Nazer Coaching.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company's intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights.  The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the User and/or Purchaser, the User and/or Purchaser's representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances.




Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples.  They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results.  Each person and their circumstances are unique, and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours.


You understand and agree that you are 100% entirely responsible for your progress and results experienced from the Program.  The Company will help guide and support you, but your participation in, and dedication to, the Program is one of many vital elements to the Program’s success.


The Company has not and does not make any warranties, guarantees, or representations, verbally or in writing, regarding the Client’s performance, results, income, revenue, or success.  The Client understands that due to the nature of the Program, the results experienced by each Client may vary.  The Company does not make any guarantees other than that the Services offered in the Program shall be provided to the Client in accordance with this Agreement.


We don't make any assurances as to any particular financial-based outcome based on the use of or participation in the Program.  We are not responsible for the success or failure of your relationships, mental health, productivity, business, business decisions, income, sales, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of your participation in the Program. 




To the fullest extent permitted by law, Peggy Nazer Coaching expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our Website, or any other information obtained by you from us.  By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release Peggy Nazer Coaching from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Peggy Nazer Coaching, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in this Agreement.


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Peggy Nazer Coaching as stated in this section herein.


Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, officers, directors,  agents, employees, representatives, successors, independent contractors, and assigns from all direct and third-party claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damages, lawsuits, expenses, fees, including attorneys’ fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against the Company, by any third parties that result from the errors, negligence, acts, and/or omissions of the Client and/or the Company. 




Any controversy or claim between the Parties shall be settled by arbitration before a single, mutually agreed upon arbitrator under the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”).  If the Parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, then each party shall appoint one arbitrator, and then both arbitrators, in turn, shall appoint a third neutral arbitrator to hear the matter.  The decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and the award so rendered may be entered in a state court of Utah.  The arbitration hearing shall be held in the state of Utah.  Each party shall pay its own costs and expenses related to the arbitration, and shall split the cost of the arbitrator equally.  The arbitrator will have no authority to award punitive or other non-compensatory damages to either party.  No damages excluded by or in excess of any damage limitations set forth in this Agreement shall be awarded.  The sole remedy for the Client shall be a refund of any amount paid to the Company.




Peggy Nazer + Peggy Nazer Coaching are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program.  We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you.  IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Utah. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from this Agreement shall be brought within Utah, County of Utah.




These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to their relationship, and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, understandings, and representations to the extent that they relate in any way to the subject matter hereof.  Neither course of performance, nor course of dealing, nor usage of trade, shall be used to qualify, explain, supplement, or otherwise modify any of the provisions of this Agreement.  No amendment of, or any consent with respect to, any provision of this Agreement shall bind either party unless set forth by writing, specifying such waiver, consent, or amendment, signed by both parties.


The headings of Sections in the Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not affect its construction or interpretation.




The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof.  If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.




We may, from time to time and at any time, modify these Terms of Use.  You agree that we have the right to modify these Terms or revise anything contained herein.  You further agree that all modifications to these Terms are in full force and effect immediately upon posting on the Website and that modifications or variations will replace any prior version of these Terms of Use, unless prior versions are specifically referred to or incorporated into the latest modification or variation of these Terms of Use.


We may send notice of the amended Agreement to the most recent email address you have provided us.  You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for your failure to receive any such notice due to your having provided us with an incorrect or outdated email address, your failure to provide us with an updated email address, or any such email being delivered to your spam or junk email folders.  You are solely responsible for reading and understanding any notice of an amended version of these Terms of Use.


To the extent any part or sub-part of these Terms is held ineffective or invalid by any court of law, you agree that the prior, effective version of these Terms shall be considered enforceable and valid to the fullest extent.




The waiver or failure of the Company to exercise waiver in any respect, for any right provided herein, shall not be deemed a waiver of any further right pursuant to the Terms of Use.




We may need to interrupt your access to the Program to perform maintenance or emergency services on a scheduled or unscheduled basis.  You agree that your access to the Program and/or Website may be affected by unanticipated or unscheduled downtime, for any reason, but that we shall have no liability for any damage or loss caused as a result of such downtime.




In the event that any cause beyond the reasonable control of either of the Parties, including, but not limited to: acts of God, war, curtailment or interruption of transportation facilities, threats or acts of terrorism, State Department travel advisory, labor strike or civil disturbance, make it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible, either because of unreasonable increased costs or risk of injury, for either Party to perform its obligations under the Terms of Use, the affected Party’s performance shall be extended without liability for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence.




We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future happiness, productivity, income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program.  The Program is offered "AS IS" and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


The Client understands and agrees that the Client is 100% entirely responsible for their progress and results experienced from the Program.  The Company will help guide and support the Client, but the Client’s participation in, and dedication to, the Program is one of many vital elements to the Program’s success.


The Company has not and does not make any warranties, guarantees, or representations, verbally or in writing, regarding the Client’s happiness, performance, results, income, revenue, or success.  The Client understands that due to the nature of the Program, the results experienced by each Client may vary.  The Company does not make any guarantees other than that the Services offered in the Program shall be provided to the Client in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.




The Company reserves the right to record all audio and video calls that are connected with the Program (the "Program Calls").  You grant the Company the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, publish, and share any such Program Calls with other participants in the Program and to store such Program Calls indefinitely.  You grant to the Company an unlimited, irrevocable right to use, publish, and store the Program Calls as described in this Agreement, for any purpose the Company shall choose.


You further release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the Program Calls, including without limitation any and all claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or false light, and for any and all liability for damages of whatever kind in connection therewith.




The Client grants the Coach the right, title, and interest to share any and all communications, wins, screenshots of communications, posts, or messages (Direct Messages "DMs"or otherwise) and testimonials in connection with the Client's participation in the Program for the purposes of promoting and marketing the Program across social media, advertisements, the Coach’s website, email list, and to the Coach’s future clients.  The Client understands that s/he will not receive any compensation for the use of their likeness, testimonial, or image, and that the Company will not ask for prior written consent.  The Coach will make all reasonable efforts to conceal the identity of the Client unless otherwise granted permission by the Client to share their name or identifying information.




Updates to the core training inside the Cultivate Calm Masterclass are included in the Purchase without any additional charges.  However, additional or future bonuses, promotional materials or discounts that may not have been offered when you purchased the Program are not guaranteed to be provided to you.




Electronic communications are permitted to both Parties under these Terms of Use, including e-mail. Both parties acknowledge and agree that the Terms of Use may be executed electronically, either by electronic signature or other electronic consent.  For any questions or concerns, please email us at the following address: [email protected]


Step 2:  Register for the Cultivate Calm Masterclass

$397 Currently $97

Register and start today, improving your health, happiness, and relationships.