Happiness Dynamics

The Coaching Program Designed to Help You:

Experience Less Stress, More Joy, and Greater Fulfillment with the Model for Decoding and Resolving the Complicated (and Messy) Aspects of Life



Life is challenging, but that doesn't stop you from wanting it to be more.

You want to be happier and feel more fulfilled.

You want to be in control of your mind, emotions, and productivity.

You crave healthier relationships and more freedom.

In short, you want life to be extraordinary.

Maybe you have been seeking all of this for a long time, but despite your best efforts, you may have areas of your life that still create too much stress or are not balanced and functioning at the optimal level you know, deep down, is possible.

It's Time to be Deep-in-Your-Bones Happy No Matter How Messy Life Gets


We are complex beings continuously interacting with other complex beings.

No wonder life's relationships are "complicated."

The Happiness Dynamics program teaches you to navigate the maze and improve all of your relationships, including the one with yourself.

It provides personalized coaching to help you implement what you're learning to fit your individual circumstances.

The Happiness Dynamics Model equips you with a practical framework for achieving the life you desire and developing the happiness and joy you crave, even in the face of life's messy challenges, conflict, and chaos.


It's time to experience a happier, more productive, and more fulfilling way to live.

Discover the tools you need to decipher life's challenging puzzles.

Get the coaching and training you need not only to manage but to overcome stress, panic, and burnout.



  • Patience
  • Confidence
  • Love
  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Courage
  • Fun

Plus, develop these life-changing skills:

  • An efficient balance between work, school, and family life.
  • Jedi-ninja conflict resolution skills
  • Fulfillment in your life's purpose
  • A greater sense of self-worth
  • Less overload and burnout
  • An addiction-free lifestyle 
  • A stress-resilient mindset
  • A more loving and giving heart
  • Better parenting skills
  • Better physical health
  • Healing from toxic or abusive relationships
  • Peace despite pressures and chaos in the world
  • Immunity to:
    • jealousy
    • criticism
    • feeling judged
    • feelings of failure
    • constant comparison
    • trying to keep up with everyone else's demands
  • And more


Go from Surviving to Thriving!

Premium 12-month Coaching Experience


- Unlock your potential and remove the blocks that hinder your progress.

- Say goodbye to unhealthy or self-defeating coping mechanisms that sabotage all areas of your life.

- Learn tried and true techniques to help you self-regulate anger, frustration, stress, overwhelm, panic, anxiety, depression, and more.

- Gain the skills necessary to resolve stress and increase stress resilience.

- Boost your confidence, compassion, patience, and productivity without feeling overworked or pressured to perform perfectly.

- Fine-tune your physical health and stress response.

- Create a happier, healthier version of yourself.

- Increase your intuition, clarity, and decision-making ability.

Build A Happier, More Resilient You

Watch Your Health, Confidence, Productivity, & Relationships Flourish!


Join Peggy's 12-month program to learn the Happiness Dynamics Model:

  • Cultivate Calm - Masterfully Regulate Your Nervous System
  • Increase Your Stress Resilience
  • Eliminate Mental Sabotage
  • Uncover Your True & Best Self
  • Heal Your Inner Story
  • Create (or Rehab) Healthy Relationships with Others
  • Claim Yourself to Optimize Response-ability

What's included?


Happiness Dynamics

  • 12-month access to:
    • The Happiness Dynamics Model Training & Systems
    • 2x/month LIVE Implementation & Mindset Group Coaching Calls 
    • 1x/month guided Happiness Dynamics Belief Work Session - pre-recorded to go at your own pace.
    • Done-With-You  worksheets, trackers, and prompts


Get Our 14-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee


Your purchase is covered by our 14-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Watch the first few trainings, listen to some of the coaching call replays and guided sessions, and begin implementing the Happiness Dynamics Model.

You're either thrilled with how much this is increasing your ability to cultivate calm and stress resilience, or just send us one email, and we'll refund your investment.


Let's see if Happiness Dynamics is right for you


Frequently Asked Questions


It's Time for Something New & Different

Submit Your Application for Happiness Dynamics Today

Apply now and schedule your strategy session to see if coaching with me is a good fit for you.

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What Clients Are Saying


"Peggy has changed my life!   She has saved our marriage and helped us to learn how to navigate life’s emotional pitfalls and injuries, sometimes self-inflicted.  I needed a catalyst to change and address my personal issues that were so damaging to my family relationships and that I could not figure out how to address them even after years of professional counseling.    This has been one of the most impactful decisions in my life.  There is much work involved, but that is what makes the program so successful.  Working every day on ourselves to help us be our best selves.  What is that worth??"  ~Anthony, 52


"Fantastic coaching!  If you need help resolving anything holding you back (stress, depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, trauma, grief, etc.)  Peggy can help you sort out the web of painful emotions and blocks.  With love and kindness, she can quickly help you see where to work to find the resolution and peace you need to heal.  Decades of depression and anxiety melted away for me after only months enrolled in Success Dynamics Academy and private coaching sessions.  My physical health was completely crashed, too, and I needed to resolve my stress in order to heal.  I have found the help I needed.  I highly recommend her programs and private coaching to bring health and wellness to the mind, body, and soul. "  ~J.D.


"I am a widower of 5 years.  I have six children and four grandchildren, and I work full-time.  I have suffered all of my life with negative beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that have caused me much stress, confusion, depression, and anxiety.  When you work with Peggy, you soon realize that there isn't anything in your life that cannot be resolved.  Entrenched, inaccurate, and self-defeating beliefs can be gently released as new, correct beliefs and thinking patterns open the way for progress, freedom, happiness, and joy.  I have worked with Peggy both privately and in group settings.  I highly recommend Peggy and the work that she does to anyone who seeks healing within themselves.  My life is getting better all the time as I apply the principles that she both teaches and models for me."  ~Bill, 59


"I have been a student in Peggy’s programs for nearly 4 years, and my life has done a complete turnaround. I started in terrible condition physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was drowning in depression, anxiety, panic, and debilitating health issues, all while raising my family, and was losing hope in being able to heal or have any joy.

Each principle taught in her programs has helped me regain my own power in being able to direct my life as I do my part in applying what I’ve learned. I am healing in mind, body, and soul and recovering from years of dysfunction. I have learned how to work through my stress and handle it successfully, and reducing the stress has allowed my body to recover from so many years of illness. I save more money than I spend on my membership because I am more functional, cook at home more, eat out less, discipline myself financially, and manage financial stress better by applying all I’m learning to all aspects of my life.

My marriage is improving, and we are healing old wounds we’ve caused each other. My motherhood and parenting are constantly improving, and I’m able to handle the stress of raising teenagers with more ease and fulfillment. My personal discipline has increased, and if I can recover from the places I was by applying these principles, anyone can do these programs and change their life for the better!"  ~Julie, 42

Your Next Steps

Submit Your Application

Fill out the form on this page to tell me about areas of life you want to improve.  This helps me see if HD is a good fit for you.

Schedule Your Free Call

Click the link on the "thank you" page after submitting your form to schedule your Strategy Session.  

Learn More About HD

We'll chat about the program, and I'll answer questions about Happiness Dynamics so you can decide if this is your next best step.

See Results With Support

Inside Happiness Dynamics, you'll get training and coaching to help turn your stress and challenges into happier circumstances.

Greater Happiness in Your Life and Relationships Could be Just Around the Corner!

Join me for a strategy session and see if Happiness Dynamics is the right program for you.